Thursday, September 12, 2013

Put down your phone- a confession from a mom who doesn't

This blog resonated with me so much that I just had to copy and share it.  Thank you Heather for posting this.  I WILL live in the moment and PUT DOWN MY PHONE! (or at the very least, try my hardest!) 

I need to put down my phone.  NOW.  I got a serious wake up call this week, when a video made its way around Facebook and Twitter.  It was a video showing how you can miss all of life's moments, when you are on your phone.

 My truth, if I can stand in it for a minute, is that I always have my phone.  It's awful.  It's an appendage and security blanket.  In fact my greatest fear at our momstown conference last May was to "put my phone down".  It was really hard to admit this silly thing, but its how I feel and it's consuming me.  I even actually get frustrated when my husband or friends are on their phone and not talking to me, so what am I so afraid of? 

I know I started to feel a bit attached to my phone on those lonely days and nights in the hospital with my son, Zack.  It was my lifeline to the outside world when we would be cooped up for several days.  It was how I connected with other moms who had children with special needs and it's also how I stayed close to my family, my husband and friends when we were homebound. I was so proud to tweet and post photos online of my Zackie and I could "manage" his appointments and contacts so easily and now remotely.

I also started blogging and documenting Zack's life, so photos and videos became really important.  I would have my phone poised at every PT and OT appointment, hoping to catch Zack reaching a new milestone so I could snap a photo.  Did I miss out on ACTUALLY being there for those milestones?  It got even worse when I started working in social media and now my phone became a tool for my job.

The habit has gotten worse and it's now something that Paul and the boys bug me about- likely because its bugging THEM.  With more ways to become distracted on your phone, its getting harder to just "put it down".  But I need to do it.  I need to live in the moment and actually enjoy the moments rather than post them on Instagram.  The times I do leave the phone in the car or at home, there is a liberating feeling of freedom and I can actually participate more.  But I do miss it.  Is that awful?

Watch this incredible video called "I Forgot My Phone".  I imagine this is what my boys see...but it's not too late to make a change for me and for my family.  Starting today, I'm pledging to UNPLUG each and every day, when I meet the boys at the school bus at 3pm and take at least 2 hours off (or more)!  So don't text me, what's app me, email, FP message or tweet me during that time....but if you and you catch me?  Remind me to PUT DOWN MY PHONE and live in that moment.


*written by Heather Hamilton


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Halloween already?!? Entertaining some family costume ideas...

It feels like Summer was just yesterday, but its already mid September and... time to think about Halloween!  

Like all new moms, I of course want to do a ‘family themed’ costume.  Something adorable for my 16 month old son, not to humiliating for my pregnant self, and of course super embarrassing for my husband! :) 

Here are some of the ideas I am tossing around! (if you know anywhere in the Greater Vancouver Area that has AWESOME costumes, please share!)

1.  Food!  

Hot dog we have a wiener!  

 An Adorable BLT!

Burger King (and Queen!) 

Who doesn't LOVE smores?
 Does this M&M sack make me look fat?  haha

2.  Superheroes!  Might be a little easier to walk around in! 
 The usual suspects

3.  TV Characters 

The beloved Simpsons

All time faves - The Flintstones

4.  Maybe I go super creative?!

The Bones Family?  
Shark Week!?


So many ideas - the problem? So little time!  Where in Vancouver do I get awesome costumes like these?  I don't dare even entertain the possibility of making them myself.  Unless of course I want them ready for Halloween 2025!  Etsy?  Michaels? Winners?  Suggestions please!  Any moms out there have some other good ideas?  I think the key (other than saftey of course!!) is comfort.  My son is 16 months old.  I don't think he'd be too happy walking around in a cardboard box - although he does seem to have an early obsession with my iPhone.  

Just ideas for now... but remember, Halloween is only 7 weeks to Halloween!  (then its... Christmas?!) 

Trick or treat!!